New User

New User trigger return all new users who sign up since you generated your Zapier API KEY.

The response returns:

  • id → Unique identifier of the user
  • username → Name set by the user
  • email → Email of the user
  • date → Sign up date
  • language → Language used by the user at the subscription time

New Charge

New CharNew Charge trigger returns all new payments you channel get since the time you generate your Zapier API KEY.

The response returns:

  • id → Unique identifier of the payment on our system
  • id_charge_stripe → Unique identifier of the payment on Stripe
  • id_serie → Unique identifier of the sold series
  • title_serie → Title of the sold series
  • description_serie → Description of the sold series
  • email_user → Email of the user that made the payment
  • amount → Full amount
  • amount_final → Amount without commissions applied
  • commissions → Value of commissions
  • commission_percent → Value of commissions in percentage
  • date → Execution date of the payment
  • tax_rate_name → Tax rate applied name (if applied, ex. IT, EN, ...)
  • tax_rate_percent → Tax rate applied percentage
  • tax_rate_amount → Amount of tax rate applied to price
  • pay_info → Payment details (if present, the values inside are custom)ge

New Subscription

New Subscription trigger returns all new subscription to your channel since the time you generate your Zapier API KEY.

The response returns:

  • id → Unique identifier of the subscription on our system
  • title_serie → Title of the series related to the subscription
  • email → Email of user subscribed
  • price → Price payed to start subscription
  • code_subscription → Unique subscription code on Stripe
  • date_start → Subscription start date
  • plan → Plan subscribed (f=fixed, m=monthly, q=quarterly, hy=half yearly, y=yearly)
  • type_subscription → The type of the subscription (fixed, subs, giftcard)
  • code_coupon → Coupon used (if present)
  • value_coupon → Percentage value of the coupon applied (if present)
  • tax_rate_name → The name of the tax rate applied (if applied, ex. IT, EN, ...)
  • status → Status of subscription (should return "active")

Deleted Subscription

Delete Subscription trigger returns all subscription canceled to your channel since the time you generate your Zapier API KEY.

The response returns:

  • id → Unique identifier of the subscription on our system
  • title_serie → Title of the series related to the subscription
  • email → Email of the user who cancelled subscription
  • price → Price payed to start subscription
  • code_subscription → Unique subscription code on Stripe
  • date_start → Date when subscription start
  • plan → Plan subscribed (f=fixed, m=monthly, q=quarterly, hy=half yearly, y=yearly)
  • type_subscription → The type of the subscription (fixed, subs, giftcard)
  • code_coupon → Coupon used (if present)
  • value_coupon → Percentage value of the coupon applied (if present)
  • tax_rate_name → The name of the tax rate applied (if applied, ex. IT, EN, ...)
  • status → Status of subscription (should return "canceled")

Began to Play video

Began to Play video trigger when a user plays a video for the first time.

The response returns:

  • id → Unique identifier of the subscription on our system
  • id_user→ ID of the user who started playing the video
  • ip_user→ IP of the user who started playing the video
  • username→ Username of the user who started playing the video
  • user_email→ Email of the user who started playing the video
  • id_video→ ID of the video being played
  • video_title→ Title of the video being played
  • play_date→ Datetime of the play

Video Playback completed

Triggers when a user views the video completely

The response returns:

  • id → Unique identifier of the subscription on our system
  • id_user→ ID of the user who started playing the video
  • username→ Username of the user who started playing the video
  • user_email→ Email of the user who started playing the video
  • id_video→ ID of the video being played
  • video_title→ Title of the video being played
  • date_update→ Datetime of video Playback completed

Abandoned Cart

Triggers when a user abandons the cart without purchasing

The response returns:

  • id → Unique identifier of the subscription on our system
  • amount → Total amount of the abandoned cart
  • id_user→ ID of the user
  • username→ Username of the user who abandoned cart
  • user_email→ Email of the user who abandoned cart
  • id_serie→ ID of the abandoned item
  • serie_title→ Title of the item
  • date→ Datetime of the abandoned cart